Category: Uncategorized

  • A Little Poetry

    I don’t often write poetry, but there are times when it just seems appropriate. Losing my mother was one of those times. Below are two poems, one I composed to be read at the cemetery, and one composed by Andy’s girlfriend, Taya. Taya is truly talented; she also wrote poems for our daughters’ weddings. To…

  • Quarantined!

    It’s been over a year since I have blogged, and what better time to write than when we are forced to remain home. I don’t know about all of you, but I am still floored by how much our world has changed in two short weeks. Two weeks ago we had just wrapped up the…

  • Celebrating 10 Years

    I cannot believe it’s been so many months since I last added to my blog. One would think that with our kids grown and on their own, life would slow down, but it just seems to get busier. Today we are having our first virtual school day, so I am home trying to stay warm,…

  • It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

    In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness, I thought I’d share an older piece I wrote. Please share if you feel so inclined. The Mammogram Experience One of my summer rituals is going to the gyno for my yearly check-up, and then following up with a mammogram. About a month ago, the day had finally arrived…

  • Here I Go Again…

    Menopause. It’s a rite of middle age. Actually, post-middle age because I doubt I will live to be over 100. I’ll probably drown in a puddle of sweat in my own bed. Menopause can make life pretty tough, especially when in my head I am still young and thin. Unfortunately in the mirror I am…

  • Too Many Young Lives

    I haven’t written anything about school shootings because, frankly, it’s difficult to put those emotions into words. As a junior high teacher, I’ve felt a plethora of emotions, from sadness to anger to fear to frustration. Why have our children become so violent? Why do these kids hurt so badly that they think shooting up…

  • 4 Days Until the Mini!

    I’m four days away from running the Indy 500 Mini, and those crazy thoughts are starting to creep in. As I’ve gotten older, it is so much more difficult to run without some ache. I’ve already had knee surgery after an IT band issue and some arthritis. I’ve also been to the chiropractor and physical…

  • Over 50 and Training for a Mini

    I haven’t blogged about running in quite some time, and there is actually a reason for that. Throughout the winter, I was a slacker. Like most slackers, I have a host of excuses, and some pretty valid reasons. Both my brother and my mother became ill at the same time. Trust me – I have…

  • Everyone’s Grandma Betty

    Every once in awhile, God places angels right here among us. Grandma Betty, as she is affectionately known, was indeed an angel. I recently read a quote that said, “Your smile is your logo; your personality is your business card; how you leave others feeling after an experience with you becomes your trademark.” Betty shared…

  • The Vice

    One of my summer rituals is going to the gyno for my yearly check-up, and then following up with a mammogram. About a month ago, the day had finally arrived for the annual event. There are so many things to worry about on this day. What do I wear that is easy to get on…